![]() 10/20/2013 at 14:58 • Filed to: CAR BUYING, SEX | ![]() | ![]() |
As a young man I always drove a sports car. My car was always low, fast and provided seating for just two people.
One evening, after picking up a date from her apartment, I merged onto the freeway. Like most car guys, I checked the rear view, slowed and went wide open. This is why on-ramps were invented - legal acceleration testing.
Having remembered just how terrifying this might be for a passenger not used to going fast and without warning, I turned to my date expecting a look of anger. Instead her eyes were wide and watered. She had a smile on her face and was still griping the door handle. Breathing heavy she said, “
That is such a turn on.
Now I’m older, married to the woman above and living without a sports car. While I still love all things automotive, lately I’ve become more interested in the relationship between humans and vehicles. I decided to further explore the events of that date night. I wanted to know if fast cars can result in sexual arousal.
I’m not a medical professional nor have I done extensive research, so there is a chance I get a few things wrong here. Also, much of this is based on my intuition.
I’ll break this into two parts: visual triggers and physical triggers.
Fast cars are generally visually appealing. While you can make a 1986 Civic go fast, it isn’t what many think of when they think fast cars. Attractive is subjective, but we’ll assume most people agree; cars like the Ferrari 458 or Corvette C6 are attractive and illicit a pleasant visual experience. This visual pleasure can be transferred to the driver and play a factor in the physical attraction between two people. Your 911 is nothing more than a large plum of bright feathers.
Fast cars tend to be more expensive than their non-sporty counterparts. Wealth, or the perception of wealth (84-month loan for the win!) is seen as the ability to earn and thus provide financial security. It is assumed that because a person can afford an expensive car, they can provide food and lodging for a mate and any potential offspring. While societal structures have changed the evolutionary mating preferences, the need to provide is still a very strong one.
Conclusion : Having a car that looks expensive can increase your odds of attracting a mate who is seeking a provider....and can also attract gold diggers. Be warned.
Next we examine the physiological relationship between sexual arousal and acceleration. I was able to uncover ample data on sexual arousal, but none of it was specific to vehicle speed or acceleration. Academia has looked at many aspects of sexual arousal - from erection size during threat of shock while viewing pornographic material to vaginal pulse amplitudes of women during film-induced sexual arousal - I learned a great deal about sexual arousal.
The only scientific evidence to support a theory that going fast can increase arousal came in the form of a study conducted in 1974 by Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron. They found that there is:
“...heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety.”
The study determined that a fear-arousing event, such as sudden acceleration in our case, could arouse a person. The subject assumes that arousal was a desire for the other person and not the fear-arousing event.
Rapid pulse, heavy breathing, increased blood flow - all physical effects of a fear-arousing event. While the car is responsible for the physical effects, the passenger confuses this as desire for the driver resulting in an increased, albeit brief, sexual desire for the driver.
While a car may not be the the sole reason one person finds another desirable, it appears a sexy fast car can help tilt the odds in your favor. Now even non-enthusiasts and millennials have reason to consider a performance vehicle.
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There will always be exceptions to any generalisations, but really sports cars and supercars attract car guys. That's it. Maybe gold diggers if we're talking supercars, but many people have said that sports cars attract far more men than women.
So, if you're a woman, buy a Lotus for $30k and go on the pull!
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I had a bright orange Mustang GT convertible. I was parked outside of the University Village Starbucks in Seattle and having a coffee at an outdoor table right in front of it. I overheard the two women at the next table discussing what kind of man would drive such a showy muscle car and inevitably speculated on the size of my penis.
The Alfa Spider I had before got a lot more smiles and positive comments from women. I don't know what kind of women like guys with fast cars anymore.
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Honestly, you have a point.
I once borrow my friend CLK500, and quite a girl come to see my CLK and said "nice car" or "it's a cute tiny mercedes!"
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good read. I like your style of writing.
I also wonder if psychology plays any part in this. The fact that girls attracted to these cars have a certain battle going on in their unconscious that unknowingly to them, makes certain cars more attractive. Or the people who drive them more attractive.
But the psychological part is also very dependent on individual experiences, so that theory could be absolute crap.
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Full disclosure: I was raised in a car family. I tend to date car guys only. This probably excludes my experiences from being at all relevant. But what the hell, might as well.
For me, as an individual, usually what gets me first is the exhaust. Loping cam of a fox body. The howl and snap-crack-pop of a European high revver. A rather animalistic kind of thing, if I'm honest. Perhaps, it's some strange fetish that's more Pavlovian than rooted in true-to-form psychosexual association as my attraction rarely extends to the driver. Though, most of the types of men who drive the cars that wind me up turn out to be douchebags who can't rev-match to save their life thus negating any potential human-to-human connection. Le sigh.
To me, a Chevelle SS is sexier (physically) than a Ferrari 458. A Lincoln Continental is sexier than a Murcielago. A Buick Riviera (take your pick on the 60s and boat tails) is sexier than a C5 Corvette. An SL55 doesn't catch my eye. An SL65 does. Not because of the added cost. But because of the torque in the V12.
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Great post Juan, almost a shame it didn't get more attention being the weekend. Make sure DasWauto sees it for the Best Of...
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How would I kick it there way?
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Find any Best of Oppositelock post and drop him a line. :)
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It's an Alfa.
That's all.
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Orange Mustang = you're a little boy with a car, not a man who can provide.
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Not to the type of person you'd want any serious relationship with.
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Well, where does the hand brake turn factor into this?
I must know, for science and shitz, yo.
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That's the sexiest thing I've ever heard. I love you, future wife...
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Fast cars don't attract women, expensive cars attract women.
Not all women, of course, and not necessarily the best kind.
And like the article itself said, they attract men to women as well. It's like wearing nice clothes, except it's a more direct sign of your "perceived value," success, ability to provide, etc.
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Bill Paxton explains. NSFW
*BTW, good read
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No, no, no. While men rate women using a rather complicated scale that multiplies cup size by quality of sandwich made, women prefer to let the men come up with a ranking systems, since we seem to want to compete with each other anyway. So, women like fast cars, or rather, women like men that have fast cars, because men like fast cars, and compete in who can get the most desirable car. Women tend to go for whomever wins the competition. You can substitute anything you want to in place of the car, and it will still work. In the middle east there is a booming business in mustache implants...
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No. Most women I know go out of their way to be un-impressed with a guy's car. It's like hard-wired into them. They prefer their men to drive nice sedans or SUV's with an expensive brand name. (Cayenne, Range Rover, X5, etc)
The only people all over you for driving an exotic are teenage boys.
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A great conversation starter (ender?) would have been walking over to them and saying "Unlike your speculation, I actually do have a large peen and just like fast cars."
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the Age old "Chicks dig the car" theory.. hmm here's my take on that. 1st, most people enjoy speed and power, even some women.. get that.. "some". What actually attracts 'some' women to guys with fast cars is not typically the cars but instead the popularity that surrounds the guy with the fast car. Chicks like being with popular guys. So even guys with fast cars without popularity are often alone. And as such chicks that dig popularity are often young and as such fairly dizzy and hooterlishously pretty 'in that kelly bundie kinda way' LOL
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Are you Marisa Tomei from "My Cousin Vinny"?
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True, but fast cars tend to be more expensive cars.
Also, don't overlook the second portion of this - going fast has biological incentives that go beyond the wealth and caretaker aspect.
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A fast or rather a pricey car can definitely make you more desirable to certain people. The actual question is whether you fancy these people's attention. I for one say screw it, just have fun with the car and don't care what attention it gets you.
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When I was in my 20s (read: immature) I thought having a cool car would get me dates. After two Trans Ams and a Mustang it became obvious that a personality would go much further when tying to attract the opposite sex. A flashy car might get attention, but in reality being fun to hang with/having something to say worked out much better. Unless of course you're only after one thing, in that case rent a 458 for a day and go trolling.
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I agree. Sorry, ladies like Volvo wagons. By all means, turn up the boost or swap in a V8 and hoon it till the cows come home, just not when she's in it or watching. Sure there are plenty of female Jalops—but they are more interested in the car, not the driver. I suppose I'll grant the gold-digger thing too, but that's not really about speed, and if the whole anxiety/attraction thing is true, a good drift session in a Geo Metro is just as good for scaring the shit out of her.
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"Can a fast car make you more desirable?"
Of course. They'll be begging you to pull over and talk with them.
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I'll just leave this here.
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Great Post. I've always thought it's the unexpected short adrenaline rush that triggered arousal. The arousal level depends and differs on each individual.
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I think this is the study you are looking for.
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Yeah the second portion of the article is very interesting ;)
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I appreciate what you're trying to do, really, but...
Horror movies and roller coasters are a lot cheaper.
And there are a lot of things you can do to appear like a good provider that don't cost a thousand bucks a month.
How many women didn't become sexually aroused by an onramp blast in a sports car? Should we include the women who didn't get into the sports car in the first place?
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The chemical release is the result triggering the SNS, which leads to a rapid pulse, increased breathing, etc.
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That has been brought up many times and can lead to chemical confusion. Someone who is scared but not fearful may misinterpret their bodies response as excitement or become more emotionally attached.
Much as how repeated physical contact (handshakes work) release dopamine and can create stronger bonds, the mental association of endorphines and a person's presence can cement a relationship.
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In the name of science!
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People (man or woman) who would draw such conclusions about you because of the car you drive are not worth your time. No loss whatsoever.
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no. boats attract women.
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Why can't all women be like you?
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The first and only rule of thumb on this subject:
"This car is for ME to enjoy and what other people feel about it and what they think about me in it (good or bad) means less than nothing to me."
If you can honestly have that security about you, you can go a long way to being the kind of person someone might find attractive in the first place.
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I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I out cars in the same category as I would mustaches. Some women are attracted to facial hair and for them having a fine stach would definitely be a turn-on but for the s average woman they would at most be noncommittal and might even say yuck. The same goes for having a fast car, if your girl is a thrill-seeker then yes of course but a lot of women look at cars as as transportation or perhaps a big purse with wheels. Plus things that to us might not make sense rise to the top, color for instance. I had an ex that was searching for a new car back in the '90s. I asked her what car she wanted and her answer was "teal". This matches a neighbor woman I once had that only noticed that I'd bought a new car if the color changed.
WRT cars being a sign of wealth you are correct but on,y if you can back it up. Having a n expensive car is all well and good but it's not going to last when she discovers you're still living in your parent's basement. IMHO in the long run you're better off with a more sensible car and a nice house.
IMHO if you rally want to attract women you'd be better off inventing in some expensive Italian shoes, nice clothes and a tailor to redo all of your new clothes so they fit perfectly. Oh and learn to dance, women love a man that can dance well.
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But even a girl that doens't know crap about cars or even cares about cars, will still have the same or similar physical results of going fast.
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That is a very good point, the highway merge idea is a polarizing idea. It could just as well skunk a date situation depending on how its recieved.
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I was once told by the rather attractive but no doubt inebriated blonde in the passenger seat of the Audi next to me that the noise I produced while merging onto the road next to her had triggered a.....err....crisis.
The noise in question BTW was provided by an LS3 Corvette ingesting 10 pounds of boost, exhaling through a set of longtubes and sneezing through a very loud Tial50 blowoff valve.
Every once in awhile, you find one with equally childish priorities I suppose...
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At one point I had a D1 attached to an LS6 through Kooks longtubes and Corsa sports. I made plenty of noise :)
Save the wave!
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Without a doubt, it is new expensive cars that gets 95% of women's engines revving - women love new SL mercedes - for the older classic cars, they need to be loud - then women will flock, 68 mustang, SS, Cuda, etc.... If you have a newer car that is over 4 years old, you need to make it as loud and fast as you can - and hope they appreciate it
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I've been driving a Plum Crazy Challenger SRT8 for almost a week now. This is not a "fly under the radar" type of car at all, and the attention I've gotten has been from middle-age (like me) and older guys. Now if it was a purple Aventador, I think the situation would be different.
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Very interesting point. I wish I could add more to this, but really, the Vette hasn't ever been a staple in the girl collecting market. Bought it when the ex and I were together, and the newer girl hadn't seen it (maybe knew it existed) when we started hanging around each other since I was driving my pickup at the time. I feel like I should do some sort of social experiment surrounding this.
I predict failure all around.
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Came here to post this.
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In the real world, with women you'd ACTUALLY want to be with, no.
Having a Lamborghini doesn't help you there.
Because the kind of woman that was so easily impressed with what you drive isn't the kind of woman I'd want to spend time with anyways.
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For an Oppo it would be a good relationship compatibility test... but you don't necessarily want to be breaking out the gearhead's Cosmo quiz on the first date.
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Yeah but you have to get them in the car first. Which is where most people are stuck.
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One interesting study was done on then F50 owner Giuseppe Risi by NASA, this was shown back in 1996 on the Jay Leno narrated "Fast Cars". It showed him driving the car very fast on a twisty mountain stretch, and they had monitors attached to various points on his body. It shows that while he was experiencing an excited state, as in fear, he said that he was experiencing pleasure.
Now, as far as women, different women have different perceptions of fast/expensive/luxury cars. Gold diggers—-which can be potentially any woman like anything that is perceived as expensive...a Mercedes E550 will registered higher than a Corvette, with these women. A Corvette will register higher with a woman of say fun times and meth...PnP times 10...The higher the perception of luxury/exclusivity the higher the woman perceives the man's salary/paycheck/drug dealing/loansharking/business title is...
But, in the end do you want these women? No, you want to bone these women...the woman you want is the woman who keeps a level head and realizes that said objects are fleeting and that money worth saving for the future is not money foolish spent on trying to impress her...
Besides, what woman wants a man who "swoons" over her in Panamera...Like Bun B said in International Players Anthem "You ain't a pimp, you are a...."
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Or he could have leaned over and said "well that's my car, and since your speculating already, if you're not busy this evening, you're more than welcome to find out how big it is in person". then wink and walk away leaving your number written on a napkin on their table. Then you do a peel out and drift around the corner while screaming how much you love life.
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Wow, great article! Short enough to have kept me through it. Keep it up, brings us a part 2 if you like.
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Well that and there might be something that triggers a bad situation. Especially if they don't know if you are a competent driver yet. Would be a bad first move if they think you are a dude-bro based on that.
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Are you single, mid-late 20's or early 30's and live in the south?
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I wasn't aware of that study, but it seems to support the theory I have here and I'll bet they didn't need to read about penis size during fear-arousing events.
It is unfair to put all women or men who desire the ability to find a mate who can provide in the basket of "gold diggers." All material posessions aside, women and men, still use non-material items like height, body fat and other physical features to determine your worth as a viable mate. As they gold digging or are they just following the natural evolutionary drivers?
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when I bought my Lotus, my wife told me I just bought it to attract young women.
Unfortunately the demographic is closer to Men ages 15 to 35, so if I decide to go with a alternate life style I'm all good.
I did have a 4 yrd girl ask me if I was batman once. that was pretty cool
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I would also add a word of caution in lumping people who are attracted to wealth as 'bad.' It is a natural desire to find a mate that can provide, as described above, and often that comes in the form of money. Men and women also choose their mate based on physical attributes such as height, hair color or body composition. These too are physical attributes driven by an animalistic need to mate, but you wouldn't deny an offer to mate with someone who said they found you attractive. As such you can't automatically deny someone a chance at mating as they find your vehicle attractive. But to the larger point, yes, golddiggers are real and you need to balance your need to play vs. your need to find true love.
This is the part where I give dating advice....
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On a related note, since watching the Motortrend road trip with an Aventador and a HotRod I wonder what makes an expensive, manly car (men taste. Not SUVs or girly-unisex shapes like the Boxter) be more liked by girls than others, setting aside the gold diggers factor in order to make the matter deeper. It truly isn't that simple and there are sexier cars than others.
For example common knowledge is a Ferrari attracts girls while a Lamborghini attracts men. Also on the said video the hotrod was a chick magnet while no one cared about the miles more expensive aventador.
What I think so far is that the hotrod is cooler to girls for being more unique and it also draws a lot of attention.
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Thank you Sir Herman. Glad you enjoyed it.
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I would suppose this delves into the sexuality of design, i.e. soft lines, gentle curves vs. hard edges and quick corners. I'm no expert on design, which is clear looking at my outfit today, but I would argue that cars are in some manner designed with sexuality in mind. After all the whole notion of automotive is to create a machine, aside from the 2014 Corolloa of course, that creates emotion that drives a consumer to purchase.
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The proverbial "I only date a guy who drives a BMW" girl = bad.
However, wealthy, successful and philanthropic people are themselves attracted to wealth, success and philanthropy.
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I have a stock '13 Ram, and it is nothing fancy or fast. I notice people looking at the truck every so often. Well, guys look at the truck. Girls look in the truck, even when they are in the car with their significant other. lol
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It was in 1996...
As far as unfair...life isn't fair...and we have to contend with it. For instance, I am short, but have a square jaw line. Women go for height, but many studies show that women find men with square jawlines sexually attractive, and that men with round faces are good for marriage (look at the Science of Sex on discovery). In short, a man with a round face will more likely stay due to the fact that he is perceived as less sexually attractive to other women—-he has less options, a man with a strong jawline, and symmetrical features will have more options, meaning he is less trustworthy...
Pretty people have more options, and if you want to add that to the mix of the "gold digger", when was the last time you have seen a unattractive female "gold digger"? That is because the attractive ones are using their looks, and the guy in the expensive/fast car is using the car to gain her attention. Now, how does the guy look?
We are an overweight country, and many men, perceive themselves as fit. It had been shown that men have a very skewed view of themselves....on dating sites men who are not athletic often claim they have an athletic body type...yet the last time they saw their abs, it was in HS (I lift weights, and run—yes, with cuts, but I am no Phil Heath—-google him)...
Let's face it, a man no matter how he looks or what he drives wants a hot looking woman, and a woman no matter what she looks likes or her social economic background wants a rich man, the truth of the matter is, there are no fair maidens to rescue and their are no Prince Charmings to whisk said fair maiden away...
Instead of using data, the best source is actually talking to said "gold diggers" and the men who date or marry them.
An LE once told me of a guy who bought his wife a GT-R because it was the newest thing out there...she didn't like it after she drove because it was ugly...no shit, most women that I have talked to a out the GT-R find it ugly. She also didn't like the tires that were put on the car, because they were low profile...and we could go on.
I knew of a woman who is friends with Ray Lewis' baby momma, let's just say my 1987 Taurus wouldn't cut it. She now has an Audi paid for her by her fat ex husband who is 20+ yrs her senior. Said woman grew up in Baltimore in not an ideal socio-Economic setting. She didn't want to return—-even though she has an MBA.
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I would love at some point in the future look try and take a scientific look at the assumptions drawn from a vehicle type (i.e. do women see trucks as a strong manly trait).
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Once upon a time, I drove a '69 SS Camaro. At the same time I was also smitten with a gorgeous, university Phys Ed major. She only agreed to go out with me after I'd replaced the Camaro with a '66 Corvair convertible (I had need of something with a bit more trunk space for my work gear). On the second date, cruising beneath a warm, star lit, night sky, she said she liked the Corvair. "Only morons drive those other cars . . . "
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Wow. You traded a SS Camaro for a Corvair? She must have been a knock out. haha
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Fear has long been known as an arousal trigger. That's why so many teen "date night" movie choices are horror flicks.
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Good point. I wanted to find scientific evidence to suggest that fear and the resulting side effects of fear could lead to attraction. It's easy to say one thing leads to another, but I tend to like to have evidence to back it up.
And now I know why I'm always asking my wife to watch the Walking Dead with me :)
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Fortunately, or unfortunately, depends on your take on the subject, this is true. Yesterday I stopped at a gas station to fill up the Lamborghini and a super hot girl from I guess a car dealer stopped on the pump besides me and started staring like nuts and all smily. I did not have time to chat as I had to be home like 30 minutes before but I know if I had time I would have walked out with a date.
Happens all the time when driving the damn Lamborghini. NEVER happened when I take the KIA Rondo out.
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Very good question. It could be that people are seeing the car as a reflection of the person, or how they may be in their daily life. A study of that behavior/perception would be pretty interesting.
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Or if it is really an overcompensating issue (no offense meant to the OP, who very well could be be using it for actual truck related reasons)
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It was a good piece to read. I'd be curious to hear the reaction if it was cross-posted to Jezebel, for example. I know that some of the reactions would not support the idea that women are attracted to men by way of a car (perhaps most of them), but it'd be interesting to see what else would come up from the bilge... what car choices women make that attract men, for example. It's a great topic and I thought you handled it well.
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mustangs alont with most american midlevel performance cars are considered cheap/ cheezy and dooshy by almost everyone. Their impractical and not nearly as cool as most who own think they are.
But if you were in 1967 orage Mustang...you might of had a better shot.
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Everyone seems to be thinking the fast cars need to be expensive cars . I disagree. I think a new VW GTI is fast, and has that quality that Civics with cantaloupe-exhausts miss. My Jetta TDI even has enough torque to make onramps and excitement.
If my girlfriend is any proof, it's more about how you manage the speed. Get the thrill of accelerating as fast as possible up the onramp, take the backroads fast, but don't be a d-bag around other drivers. A lot of it has to do with trust. If I drove an Aston Martin DBS (probably the world's sexiest car) like an ass in the city, I doubt any real girl (gold diggers excluded) would be entertained. If I took a GTI on a coastal road secluded from other drivers, she'd be very excited. I would too.
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On a slight tangent, the slowest "modern" MB I have owned, a pristine later run W126, received the most positive attention from women, maybe because its condition represented some kind of care and financial stability. The fintail attracts the 50-60+ crowd along with men (I knew a 20 year old woman who flatly refused to ride in it), C43 and E55 were ignored by women but also also attracted men.
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No, I didn't do the trade for her. I really did need a car that was a bit more "functional" than the Camaro, The Corvair was available to me, and still sort of sporty, if not exactly a ground-pounder. Eventually, I conceded that a station wagon was actually required (a "sleeper" '72 Gran Torino) to haul all of my stuff around from job to job. The lady's response was completely unanticipated and totally unexpected.
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Not one word about the ultimate panty-moistener, the handbrake turn? Disappointing.
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Two points I'd like to make here:
1. The car that, by far, attracted the most attention my way was the second-cheapest, second-slowest car I've ever owned (1974 Karmann Ghia).
2. When on a first date, or in a situation in which I've a passenger who's never ridden with me before, I go out of my way to drive sedately. Personally, I'd feel like a juvenile tool driving aggressively with a new passenger, and especially so if that passenger is a woman I'd like to impress. In my experience at least, a display of restraint in a car with high limits is more impressive than a display of performance. While there are women out there who enjoy the thrill of speed, it seems there are far more who prefer a guy who can control himself.
But that's just my take on it.
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Why? Was my belly button moving too fast for you?
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A car can say a lot about yourself, to the women you meet. Obviously not the only indicator, and if they are attracted to you SOLELY because of your car, there are issues. It goes without saying that there are some cars that attract more old guys than women (muscle cars). And some cars that scream dude-bro that women find obnoxious (muscle cars... and Lamborghinis). Some cars turn women off because they are ostentatious (Ferrari). Nobody cares about a mainstream vehicle either. A good rule is that if you are the type of person who drives a car that can be featured in Petrolicious, you probably have a reasonably good impression with women, since you're driving something unique, tasteful and beautiful.
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As a millennial, it's not having a fast car that makes you desirable. In fact, you will attract the wrong kind of women with a fast car. And if you're important, people will wait. (Then again, I wrote that Twitter piece, so what do I know about importance?)
In my case, just having a car makes you more desirable to the people around you. Both men and women.
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Interesting. When I perform the on-ramp acceleration test with my wife in the car, as I get up to freeway speed she asks me if I'm aroused. In not so many words.
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As a sports car owner I can report that it doesn't help pick up chicks. It does help convince them that they should stick around though.
My car attracts dudes over chicks at a rate of 300:1, approximately.
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Interesting. When I perform the on-ramp acceleration test with my wife in the car, as I get up to freeway speed she asks me if I'm aroused. In not so many words.
![]() 10/21/2013 at 12:45 |
Interesting. When I perform the on-ramp acceleration test with my wife in the car, as I get up to freeway speed she asks me if I'm aroused. In not so many words.
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In my experience, women love roadsters. Which is strange because they never want the roof open in case the wind messes their hair.
Years and years ago, I read a joke in some men's lifestyle magazine:
If you want to impress Vinny down at the service station, buy a Camaro. But if you want the hot new receptionist asking for a ride in your car, buy a Miata.
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It's too bad you're off of furlough, this is some of your best work. :)
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Oh well, there's always January 15th...
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Oh well, there's always January 15th...
![]() 10/21/2013 at 12:53 |
Haha. Thanks!
Deep down a part of me would love to tell stories and bring about interesting and meaningful discussions about the industry, but, I have mouths to feed and bills to pay.
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As a 23 year old single male who owns a C6. I should try this more often. But I hate using my car as a means of trying to impress someone. That to me seems like the most douchebagiest thing one can do. I bought my Corvette not to impress or pick up girls buy because I've been a gearhead my whole life who's always wanted a Corvette as a kid. Now, there have been plenty of occasions where the female in the passenger seat asks me to show her what the car can do..... That's always where the fun starts.
![]() 10/21/2013 at 12:54 |
As a 23 year old single male who owns a C6. I should try this more often. But I hate using my car as a means of trying to impress someone. That to me seems like the most douchebagiest thing one can do. I bought my Corvette not to impress or pick up girls buy because I've been a gearhead my whole life who's always wanted a Corvette as a kid. Now, there have been plenty of occasions where the female in the passenger seat asks me to show her what the car can do..... That's always where the fun starts.
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"under 4 seconds"
My car can do this. I shall have to experiment.
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Oh I think manufacturers would love to read more about how their customers get more ass because of their cars. Now that's science!
![]() 10/21/2013 at 12:55 |
"under 4 seconds"
My car can do this. I shall have to experiment.
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Top Gear proved....something....by attacking it with science.